
Acoustic Wave Therapy

Acoustic wave therapy (also called shock wave therapy) fights against the lack of blood flow in the penis to cause the erection.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

We offer non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments aimed at restoring physical, age-related, or other types of erectile dysfunction.

Peyronie’s Disease Treatment

Peyronie’s disease causes abnormal, fibrous lumps (plaques) to form inside the erectile tissue of the penis.

Welcome to ESWT Clinic in Sierra Vista

The ESWT Clinic in Sierra Vista is a leading provider of sexual healthcare services.

About Us

Our clinic is committed to helping patients feel confident and young by improving their sexual life. We focus our efforts on treating erectile dysfunction of any type including age-related, vasculogenic, and more types of erectile disorders.

We offer non-invasive and minimally invasive therapy treatments as well as highly specialized procedures designed to meet the personal needs of our patients that want to reverse the effects of low stamina, fatigue, inability to maintain erections and energy loss caused by andropause, physical causes, traumas, or other specific circumstances.

What We Provide

We understand how embarrassing and frustrating erection problems and performance problems can be, and we know that even the smallest of issues can have a tremendous effect on your confidence and your life.

That’s why we provide cost-effective, FDA-approved treatments to help you live the life you’ve always wanted.

OUR ESWT CLINIC helps to get rid of:

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is defined as the persistent inability to achieve or maintain a penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance.

Penis Curve Due to Scar Tissue

Peyronie’s disease is a connective penile tissue disorder characterized by bent erections, pain in the erected penis, and palpable penile plaque.

Inability to Maintain Erection

Erectile dysfunction means that you can’t get and/or maintain an erection, or the penis becomes partly erect but not hard enough to have sex properly.

Performance Anxiety

Most men have had some type of sexual problem in their lives. The most common issues include performance anxiety and erectile dysfunction (ED).

Low Stamina

Stamina can mean many things, but when it comes to sex, it often refers to how long you can last in bed with your partner.


Fatigue (physical, mental, or both) is a symptom that may be tough for a patient to describe, and he/she uses words like exhausted or tired.

CONTACT US Now to Start treatment

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    The personal data you provide is confidential and will not be sold, reused, rented, loaned, or otherwise disclosed.


    How does ShockWAVE treatment benefit patients?
    This type of treatment can help a man enhance erections and increase sexual performance. It can also help a man improve his orgasms, which can lead to happier partners and higher self-esteem.
    How long is the ShockWAVE treatment?
    There are currently no guidelines on how long a man should get the treatment. A doctor should work with the patient to determine the right number of treatments.
    Are there any side effects?
    There are no known side effects as of now. Many other countries already use the treatment widely.
    What are the advantages of ShockWAVE therapy?
    One of the main benefits of ShockWAVE therapy is that it is not invasive. Men will not need to undergo surgery to see the benefits. Because the treatment can potentially modify the disease, the treatment stands out. Another advantage is that the treatment provides accelerated healing. This means patients will not need to spend time recovering after a session.
    How soon can I expect to see the results?
    Most men see the benefits within the first three treatments they receive. For other men, however, it may take the full treatment cycle to see a benefits of the procedure.
    Are the results permanent?
    Shockwave therapy treatment should not be thought of as a single intervention that will fix or repair the dysfunction. The effect of shockwave therapy is significantly improved if it is done alongside other treatments that aim to improve your mental and physical health.
    How do I know ESWT is right for me?
    A certified Pulse-Wave therapy practitioner will perform a thorough examination and make any necessary diagnostic tests to determine the best course of treatment for your condition. The doctor may recommend ESWT or another course of treatment. You will not have to guess if ESWT is right for you. The doctor can help you make your treatment decisions based on your individual condition.

    OUR ESWT CLINIC Also Offers:

    Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

    We offer non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments aimed at restoring physical, age-related, or other types of erectile dysfunction.

    Peyronie’s Disease Treatment

    Peyronie’s disease causes abnormal, fibrous lumps (plaques) to form inside the erectile tissue of the penis.

    Hormone Replacement Therapy for ED

    Testosterone is a hormone produced by the testicles and is responsible for the proper development of male sexual characteristics.

    Acoustic Wave Therapy

    Acoustic wave therapy (also called shock wave therapy) fights against the lack of blood flow in the penis to cause the erection.

    PRP Therapy

    You’ve probably heard a lot of PRP and its universal application causing its bigger popularity among patients in clinics.


    Trimix is a mixture of alprostadil, phentolamine, and papaverine that works by relaxing the smooth muscle and opening the blood vessels in your penis.